Tag Archive: biscuits

Emergency cookies: peanuts, raisins and ground almonds

Despite it being St. Paddy’s day, I had to postpone any celebratory baking to tomorrow due to flat hunting. Still, by mid afternoon the boyfriend was missing his weekly dose of calories so… Continue reading

Kitty’s experiments: Chronicle of a culinary tragedy

In Australia I was introduced to Adriano Zumbo’s patisserie, famous among other things for his “zumbarons”: a wide selection of macarons in original flavours. As I’d always only tasted the more classic versions… Continue reading

Banana-Walnut chocolate cookies

Here’s what happens when you have two overripened bananas and too much time on your hands: emergency cookies. I got the recipe from here: Banana-Walnut Chocolate Chunk Cookies  They don’t look good due to… Continue reading